Sharing your experiences:
Air pollution

Westminster Hall debate
Munira Wilson MP

On 27 April 2021, Munira Wilson MP led a Westminster Hall debate: Air pollution in London.

In advance of the debate, she asked people across the UK how air pollution affects them and their local area.

Over 700 people shared their stories and experiences with Munira. She thanked them for their contributions and quoted several of them directly during the debate:

Thank you message from Munira Wilson:

Full debate:

The Government's response:

Rebecca Pow, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs responded to the debate.

She addressed the Government’s ambitions and policy agenda to improve air quality.  

Watch or read her full speech for details including:  

How your contributions are used:

In these exercises, your contributions are passed on to the MP leading the debate. They, or other MPs taking part may refer to your stories directly in their speeches.

Examples of previous exercises: maternal mental health; long covid.

What is a Westminster Hall Debate?

Westminster Hall debates give MPs an opportunity to raise local or national issues and receive a response from a government minister. 

Due to COVID-19 measures, Westminster Hall debates are taking place in hybrid form in a designated committee room. MPs are able to take part virtually or in person.

How Parliament works: Westminster Hall debates.

Relevant Parliamentary activity and resources

Image of chair in Parliament

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House of Commons Library research briefings:


Oral questions

Written questions


  • Alok Sharma (Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy), Business Update (15 October 2020) 
  • Grant Shapps (Secretary of State for Transport), Aviation Update (27 February 2020) 

Committee inquiries

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House of Commons Chamber

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